Vote For The APE: Top Blog


We were nominated as a top blog on Verge, a blog dedicated to accelerating movements of the gospel. It’s pretty cool that someone put us up there and now we can vote!

If our blog makes it into the top five, then anyone who voted gets a free digital pass to their conference.

So there are two reasons you should vote:

1) You can get a digital pass to the conference

2) You can help others find our blog by getting it towards the top (The only reason I knew we had been nominated is that I was getting a ton of incoming links from Verge…people were checking us out)

From Verge:

*The list will close on September 4th at 11:59PM. At that time, the Top 5 websites will be tallied. Whoever nominated the Top 5 sites will receive a Verge 2013 Digital Access Pass worth $129! 



The science of leading a movement can be reproduced anywhere, but the experience of leading a movement is unique.  It leaves a lasting impression on you as you reflect upon it.  I have learned more about myself and God in the past 4 years than ever before in my life.  I want to share 6 lessons I learned about myself and God while leading a movement to reach South Asian-American college students in Texas and Oklahoma.

UT-Austin OneWay InterVarsity Founders in 2001

UT-Austin OneWay InterVarsity Founders in 2001

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Surfing the Edge of Chaos: Catching the Wave of Movements

Large Blue Surfing Wave

By Jon Hietbrink

We can’t lead movements the same way we lead organizations.

Many organizations run like machines–they thrive on alignment, order, discipline, and consistency, but movements are like organisms–they feed on change, complexity, empowerment, and freedom. Mechanical organizations can be directed by insightful strategic planning, consistent management and disciplined execution, but it’s debatable whether organic movements can be led at all–like a swelling ocean wave, movements are something we catch, not something we create. So the question becomes, “How do we lead in such a way that we’ll be ready to catch the wave when it comes?”

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Queen For A Day

Queen crown

By Steve Stuckey

Steve is a spiritual director with InterVarsity in Southern California. He writes here on this blog to foster spiritual formation for us catalytic leaders. Our hope is to create some space online to not only stir you up to be an APE leader but also help you connect with God well in your soul. He has developed many APE leaders and knows what our strengths as well as struggles are.

[This post is part of a series called Rooted. Find the other posts here]

I remember as a child watching the program Queen for a Day during the 1950’s. Each week a flabbergasted American housewife was crowned with a diamond tiara, wrapped in a velvet robe, and showered with lots of large appliances. (It was years later before I realized that the Kings of Everyday were the guys giving away the appliances.) What I found attractive about the idea of royalty was neither the loot nor the attention, but the power to decide one’s destiny.

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Does “Apostolic” Confuse You?

sun fog

This summer I have had multiple conversations with long standing people in ministry about the word and calling of the “apostolic”. People that genuinely didn’t know how to talk about it. They were great conversations because the people were open and curious…not hostile. They really wanted to understand and know how we define apostolic on this blog and what we really mean here when we say this word and push people towards it.

But it made me think about many of you and the friends you have. It makes me ask this question,

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Preachers of LA


I first saw the video on Phil Cooke’s site.

I don’t know what to even say…I will let the prophets speak in the comments


As I have thought about this a little more today and even showed my neighbor, who is not a christian, the video, I have had a few laughs and a little perspective.

My neighbors comment,

“Oh, so the church is supposed to take care of you huh? Make you rich? Ok, I get it now. Geeeeeeez”

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Are You Accommodating Change or Leading it?


By Chris Nichols

Recently I got into a rental car that had every electronic innovation you could imagine.  I usually love gadgets on cars, but it was late at night and raining, and as I drove, the sheer number of buttons and special functions made it difficult to drive efficiently and safely.  Simple functions like turning on lights, windshield wipers, and adjusting mirrors weren’t intuitive.  They were obscured by other gizmos that had been added, piled onto the steering column and dashboard. The complexity of the car’s gadgetry interfered with the car’s foundational purpose and its effectiveness on the road.   This wasn’t the result of thoughtful design but someone’s decision to add every new idea engineers had devised into one vehicle.  It just didn’t work as well as it should.

The car was for me a symbol of what happens when leaders decide to accommodate change rather than lead it.

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